Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Sunday, November 27, 2005

PETA says, "Save the fish...hate your Daddy!"

PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has declared war of humans in general. This is not new. Its been going on for years.

Now, they have targeted your father. Didn't you know he was a homicidal maniac?

I'll get to that in a minute. They began as a group fighting against animal testing. They later graduated to throwing blood (real and fake) onto people wearing fur (real and fake).

What humanitarians.

Oh, I forgot, they're against humans.

They began handing out a pamphlet, with a man happily eating a fish, telling kids to keep their puppies and kitties away from daddy because he's "hooked on killing."

PETA's response to the problems everyone has with this?

"The scientific facts are that fish feel pain in the same way as dogs and cats. It's no more acceptable to hook a fish through the mouth and drag them into your boat and slice them in half than it would be to do the exact same thing to a dog or a cat," said Bruce Friedrich, vegan campaign coordinator for PETA.

Straight from the horses mouth...or another body part.

Never mind that scientists that have studies this have said that fish do not have feelings of pain in this manner. In fact, the only pain sensors fish have are no where near their faces.

Moms, don't think you got away free on this one. PETA recently ended a campaign calling Mommy a "chicken killer."

PETA claims its only goal is to reduce meat consumption by changing children's eating habits.

And that's done by turning kids against their parents? Where do I sign up?

Why, right here. http://www.peta.org/

You can also send e-mails to the head honchos. But, practice your zen-like patience. I've been waiting for 2 weeks now for a response to my questions on this subject.

Its amazing how eating animals is considered cruelty. I bet, when these people were kids they would kill for a nice juicy steak. Speaking of, its dinner time.


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