Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Friday, November 25, 2005

Let the circus begin

Cindy Sheehan has returned to Crawford.

Someone raise the big top. Bring in the big cannon. Who knows where the acrobatic elephants are? You, put up the tightrope.

P.T. Barnum would be so proud.

Yes, the woman who called the people who killed her son "freedom fighters" has brought the circus back to the President's backyard.

She was late by almost a week after she had a "family emergency" so she had to miss the jail-in earlier in the week. Perhaps her "family emergency" was her mother, still in the hospital after a stroke. Perhaps it was her family, asking her not to use her son's name to further her political ends.

Either way, ssshhheee'sss bbbaaaaaaaaaccckkk.

And she's "heartbroken."

Its so sad. After 3 months of being ignored in Washington, DC, of insulting everyone she had a meeting with after they didn't fall into lockstep, she's "heartbroken" that no body listened to her and pulled the troops out of Iraq.

But, she was there to celebrate Thanksgiving with her friends, eating an Iraqi meal of salmon, lentils, rice with almonds and a salad of parsley, tomatoes, cucumbers and bulgur wheat to show "solidarity" with the Iraqi people.

Why does this woman get so much press attention? Aside from the fact that its anti-Bush that is.

This woman's son, Casey, was killed in Iraq last year. She then met with President Bush, and soon after said she was happy and content with the meeting.

Less than a year later, she was sitting outside the "Western White House" in Crawford, Texas, to protest the "American Occupation" of Iraq. She then said she wanted to meet with President Bush...again...to ask "why her son had died."

What is her problem? She didn't agree with her son's enlistment into the Army. She said once in September that she didn't want the US to have an army at all. And she says her son became so disbelieving in the War in Iraq that he has spoken through her and called President Bush a "murderer."

Apparently, young Casey was always against the military, as well as the War against Terror, starting soon after his enlistment.

Ms. Sheehan apparently has never known that the preparation work that goes into a military deployment. It includes a 4-6 month intensive training cycle where they know before it starts they will deploy to a combat zone.

According to the time line given by Ms. Sheehan herself, Young Casey's enlistment would have ended before he left for Iraq. But, it was during the pre-deployment cycle that Young Casey re-enlisted.

But, he was against the war from the start.

Mom will have many more times to get arrested in her son's name as the county that Crawford is in has made a law that there will be no camping in ditches.

But, the media will be there to help her get her message out to the masses, as long as SHE "stays the course."


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