Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I love Christmas. I really do. The gifts, the family, the gifts, the music, the gifts, the tree, the gifts...all of it. But, really, do we need this to start THIS early?

For the past 2 weeks, local music stations have started up the "Holiday Season" music lineup. Check your radio dial, you'll find one.

Ace Hardware has began commercials for their holiday sales. Kay's Jewlery has Sants buying a diamond ring for a surprised Mrs. Clause. Wal-Mart has had their Christmas displays out for weeks now, since at least Halloween. That's 2 months for those of you calenderic challenged.

When I was a child...oh, so many years ago, Christmas started the day after Thanksgiving. Since 2000 (when I started to realize it, it probably started well before that), its started earlier and earlier. At first, it was just the week of Thanksgiving.

That's no problem, just getting a jump start, and informing the public on the sales, that start the day after Thanksgiving (Also known as Black Friday, not only because they make the most money that day, but the nightmares that occur from preparing for it).

But now, its anytime from Halloween on. Just wait until your 4th of July party is interrupted by you running to the store to start your Christmas shopping. Ah, we'll be nostalgic for 2005.

Normally, by Christmas day, I'm ready for it. But now, I peak somewhere in the middle of December...the rest is Bah-Humbug feelings until its finally over.

If it was just to try to get people in the SPIRIT of Christmas (giving, helping, kindness, etc), great, the more the merrier. But, this is all about Commercialism.

In the time its taken me to write this, I've had 4 commercials come on the TV for Christmas sales.



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