Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Friday, November 25, 2005

Its all about the giving!

Woman, 73, says she was knocked down, stepped on during 'Black Friday' at Sawgrass Mills

By Joseph Mann Sun-Sentinel
Posted November 25 2005, 9:26 AM EST

"Black Friday," the traditional start of the holiday shopping season, began in South Florida early today with a 73-year-old woman being knocked down as a crowd at an electronics store rushed a metal security gate to get inside.

The crowd of shoppers outside BrandsMart USA in Sawgrass Mills, angry at being forced to wait by security personnel, pushed their way under the security gate and down a hallway into the store, forcing dozens of people against the walls and trampling the woman.

This is just one story of what is going on this first weekend of the Christmas Shopping Season.

At one time, the Christmas season was all about giving, kindness, and spending time enjoying the company of friends and families.

Now, its a mad rush to buy everything before its gone.

The big item this season is the XBOX 360, the newest entry into the video gamer's wet dreams. When it was announced that it would be released in time for Christmas, it was immediately the "must have" of the year.

But, its not just the XBOX that everyone wants. Its EVERYTHING. While the woman above was sitting there, bleeding from the head, the manager asked if they needed any help, her daughter called the police, and every other shopper just streamed by in a mad gluttonous rush.

Ah, the almighty dollar, being spent in a rush that would give Alexander Hamilton a woody.

Fights have broken out, people sent to the hospital, all in the name of capitalism.

BrandsMart personnel tried to keep the total number of shoppers in the store to about 500 to meet fire department regulations, he said.

"There is more than enough for everybody. The sale is going on all day," he shouted as frustrated shoppers shouted back, complaining they were tired of waiting.

"We have your money out here," one woman responded angrily. "We need to go to other stores. I can't stand here all day."

There are 29 days of shopping left until Christmas. I'm sure sometime in the next 29 days they can find a couple of spare minutes to go to the store and make their purchases.


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