Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Monday, November 21, 2005

Affirmative Action, or Reverse Discrimination

The University of Southern Illinois has instituted a program to give minorities a leg up in their Graduate Studies. I applaud the interest, but hate the idea behind it.

Are minorities the only ones struggling to pay their Graduate College bills? College is very important, Graduate Studies are a little less important. But, they are necessary in today's job market.

This is not an isolated case.

The University of Michigan was sued by students that didn't get in because the admissions policy said that minorities should get more than whites. Never mind that GPA and all the other things that go into selection have now been placed on the back burner in favor of the color of someone's skin.

A study conducted in the late 1990s had students apply to universities all across the nation. Their essays were identical, all the information on the application was identical, aside from one item. Two applications were filled out for each student, one with the box labeled "Caucasian" checked, one with a minority checked. On each one, the names were slightly changed to distinguish between the two applications.

The applications from the "minority" students were accepted with a ratio of over 3 to 1. Those applying for scholarships were accepted 5 to 1.

What does this tell the minorities? That, even if they are as qualified or less qualified, they are more likely to be approved by far than whites. Then, once they get out of college, they expect this to continue in the job market.

We all have seen whites promoted in the "buddy system" that are far under-qualified for the job they accept. This is the main reason for the affirmative action laws. But, we also have seen minorities promoted who are also far under-qualified, for the simple reason that if they aren't, the company might be sued.

Affirmative action does not work anymore. At first it was necessary because minorities couldn't get a foot in the door. But, its grown outdated. Its gives minorities a sense of entitlement.

"I'm black, so I deserve this." "This is mine, after all, I'm a woman." "If I don't get it, I'll sue."

Before the hate mail starts, I don't believe that all minorities are useless. There are some, but by far, not all. There are many minorities, women, whites, men, name your favorite mammal, and they are more likely to be very qualified for the job they hold.

Therefore, why do we still have affirmative action? At one time it was necessary. Now, its a relic that just gives more ammunition to those who consider skin color and gender to be something to be hated and despised. It gives the hate groups like KKK and Aryan groups a reason for more hate.


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