Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Friday, November 18, 2005

Time to step up


The border between the United States and Mexico is as open as Paris Hilton's legs. For the sake of our country, we need to close both. But, I'll leave Ms. Hilton for another time.

Every year, 1 million plus Mexicans cross the border. Many do more than once. This is up from 700,000 to 800,000 yearly in the 1990s.

The drain on the economy is staggering.

Hospitals in the Southwestern States know that they will come across people with no insurance, and more likely no money.

Companies see the cheap labor as a huge bonus. Passing money under the table, tax free, to the illegal aliens can only help both sides. But, since the money is tax-free no money is kept in the United States. Over 2 BILLION DOLLARS each year are sent back to Mexico.

Texas recently made a law saying an illegal immigrant, living in Texas, can get the special discount rate for native Texans in Texas Universities across the state. Kalifornication spends approximately $7.7 BILLION each year to put children of illegal immigrants through grades K-12. Nearly 15% of Kalifornication students are children of illegal immigrants.

What does it take to come in legally? Very little. Go to the nearest American Consulate, fill out some forms (helpfully written in Spanish), and wait a couple of weeks. Over 85% of work visas are approved each year from Mexico.

The Hispanic population of America has shown themselves to be for more open borders, a dismantling of the US Border Patrol, and the take-over of the United States itself.


Mexicans who cross the border are called "wetbacks" from the crossing of the Rio Grande separating Texas and Mexico. Hispanics as a whole are seen as possible border crossers, and therefore are discriminated against. Instead of trying to close the border and making Mexicans in this country legal, they want to take over this country from within, all in the name of heritage.

If they came across legally, Hispanics as a whole would be viewed in a better light. We wouldn't wonder anymore if the hispanic in the next car was here illegally or not, and we see them as a threat to American jobs.

Yet, they still come across illegally.

If it was only Mexicans coming across, it wouldn't be such a large problem. It would be a problem of economy only, with long-range national security problems that would build slowly.

But, its not just Mexicans.

In the past year, 450 people have been detained and deported from countries officially designated "special interest" to include: Afghanistan, Angola, Pakistan, Yemen, Qatar, and Jordan...places where terrorists grow like wheat in Nebraska.

450...that we've caught. What about the once that we haven't caught? How many of them have been sent to perform acts of terror against this country? How many have been sent to support those who would perform acts of terror against the US?

We need to end this. The beginning is to build a fence between the border. Chain link, barbed wire, concrete, anything would be an improvement over what we have now...which is pretty much nothing.

But, first we have to show the government that we want something done. Massive amounts of news stories haven't gotten any response, aside from platitudes. The link at the beginning of this post will lead you to a petition to sign. All you have to fill out is your name, e-mail address, and zip code, with choices to send the petition to the President, Senator, and Representative.

Protect the nation, protect your fellow Americans.


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