Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Light 'em up

In a newly revised edition of the book (Goodnight Moon), which has lulled children to sleep for nearly 60 years, the publisher, HarperCollins, has digitally altered the photograph of Clement Hurd, the illustrator, to remove a cigarette from his hand.

HarperCollins said it made the change to avoid the appearance of encouraging smoking and did so with the permission of the illustrator's estate. But Mr. Hurd's son, also a children's book illustrator and author, said he felt pressured to allow it. And the move has touched off something of a tempest in the nursery, with some children's booksellers expressing outrage. One has even mounted a campaign to have the original picture restored.

I enjoy a cigarette every now and again (in fact I'm smoking now). In many places, its become against the law to smoke.


If I choose to kill my self by inhaling a noxious substance, that's my right. But, the non-smoking lobby has started telling me how I should live.

In Kalifornication, its against the law to smoke even outside, in city parks!!!! Its already illegal to smoke in restaurants, bars, and other public places out there.

Now, there have been attempts to stop people from smoking in personal vehicles. There have been attempts to stop smoking in places where more than one domicile shares (apartments and townhouses) a central air system. And this is not just Kalifornication, this has been tried in multiple states.

Smoking cigarettes is legal. I'm going to repeat that. Smoking cigarettes is legal. It is not against the law to pull a pack of Camels out of your pocket, along with a flame producing device, and light the cigarette.

Smoking is not healthy. I know that. Every smoker knows that. But, it is what we choose. We choose to light up the first time. After that, it may not be a choice, but we did choose the first time.

This is not states saying that you are not allowed to smoke marijuana. They've already said that. Aside from medical reasons, its not legal.

Marijuana is not cigarettes.

Smoking crack is not legal.

Crack is not cigarettes.

So, we must ask the question why do people give a good goddamn what I do to my body?

Simple...people have too much time on their hands. When they see nothing more they can improve in their own lives, they look around and see me, lit cigarette in hand, and tell me how to live my life.

When I'm in a public place, say my barbershop (which allows smoking...I love that man), and I'm about to light up, I ask the people there if its ok. If ONE person says they wouldn't like it, I don't light up. Its called respect for others. I respect their wish not to have me smoke in their presence, all I ask is to be afforded the same respect that I am allowed to smoke in MY presence.

Time to light up again.


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