Mexico Condemns Immigration Bill - I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!
The Associated Press released a story Saturday that says that the Mexican Government is completely against any immigration reform. (insert sarcastic tone here) This is SUCH a surprise.
The Mexican Government has long been in favor of their citizens heading north of the border to work in America. The money sent back (over 2 billion US dollars in the past year alone) has helped to prop up the Mexican Economy at a time when their government is preforming more corruption than any American government ever has.
There are currently 12 Mexican National Legislature Members that have been indicted this year alone. But, the good news is this is fewer than the past 5 years. The bad news is there are another 4 under investigation.
All 12 are still in office, as are 30% of those indicted, convicted, and sentenced. They haven't resigned, although they are currently in prison. They don't have to.
So, to prop up the economy, the Mexican Government has started to enlist Americans to aid Mexicans to cross the border.
The Mexican Foreign Relations department said,"The U.S. executive branch publicly expressed its commitment to an integral immigration reform, with a new program for temporary workers." Apparently they fail to realize that the Executive Branch makes the policy, the Legislative Branch has to pass the laws to put it into practice. But, the Executive Branch has given their blessing to building a wall between Mexico and the United States, giving the highest priority to the area around Laredo, Texas.
Mexico's National Human Rights Commission described the U.S. measure as "part of a tendency to criminalize migration with a wall that calls to mind the Berlin Wall." And, the Mexican National Human Rights Commission is such a good judge of...well...Human Rights.
This is a group that has turned a blind eye to the recent deaths of Mexicans who have crossed the border. 415 in the year ending September 30, according to the US Border Patrol.
How about trying to keep their citizens going along with the law, instead of encouraging their people to walk to their death while trying to break the law.
But, then Mexico would implode from a lack of funds. Apparently, some things are worth a couple of lives.
The Mexican Government has long been in favor of their citizens heading north of the border to work in America. The money sent back (over 2 billion US dollars in the past year alone) has helped to prop up the Mexican Economy at a time when their government is preforming more corruption than any American government ever has.
There are currently 12 Mexican National Legislature Members that have been indicted this year alone. But, the good news is this is fewer than the past 5 years. The bad news is there are another 4 under investigation.
All 12 are still in office, as are 30% of those indicted, convicted, and sentenced. They haven't resigned, although they are currently in prison. They don't have to.
So, to prop up the economy, the Mexican Government has started to enlist Americans to aid Mexicans to cross the border.
The Mexican Foreign Relations department said,"The U.S. executive branch publicly expressed its commitment to an integral immigration reform, with a new program for temporary workers." Apparently they fail to realize that the Executive Branch makes the policy, the Legislative Branch has to pass the laws to put it into practice. But, the Executive Branch has given their blessing to building a wall between Mexico and the United States, giving the highest priority to the area around Laredo, Texas.
Mexico's National Human Rights Commission described the U.S. measure as "part of a tendency to criminalize migration with a wall that calls to mind the Berlin Wall." And, the Mexican National Human Rights Commission is such a good judge of...well...Human Rights.
This is a group that has turned a blind eye to the recent deaths of Mexicans who have crossed the border. 415 in the year ending September 30, according to the US Border Patrol.
How about trying to keep their citizens going along with the law, instead of encouraging their people to walk to their death while trying to break the law.
But, then Mexico would implode from a lack of funds. Apparently, some things are worth a couple of lives.
There should be no marshalling of US Active duty armed forces on the border. They need to instead keep this a state by state appoach. The issue of the US military serving on the border is illetgal.
Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 and its modifications spell it out
"It generally prohibits Federal military personnel and units of the United States National Guard under Federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. The Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act substantially limit the powers of the Federal government to use the military for law enforcement."
They're not there to act as police, they're there for defense of the American homeland.
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