Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Monday, December 12, 2005

If Pearl Harbor Happened Today

Our elected officials today are more interested in scoring points against the Bush Administration than it is in supporting...well...America.

In the past few months, many of us who support the War in Iraq have been waiting on President Bush to show some guts and strike back at those who don't support our country. In the past few weeks, its begun to happen.

The whole problem is, we need to limit the terms of service of our Congresscritters. They feel as long as can keep getting elected, no matter what happens, they will have no serious opponents, then they can do and say whatever they want. No harm will come to them politically, so why even try?

Congress long ago limited the term of the President to two-four year terms, or 11 total years if they, as Vice President came into the Presidency. Otherwise 8 years total. Why can't this be done to the Congress?

Oh, the Congress has to vote it in. They'd never do it to themselves. Too much money and power involved.

But, they support the troops? The Senators, and the Democratic Chariman, in the picture above have called the troops "terrorists" (Kerry), "losers" (Dean), "criminals" (Kennedy), and "immature children" (Kennedy).

But, their fellow Democrats have started to distance themselves from these "spokesmen."

Therefore, the Republician Party came up with an advertisement, a picture of which is here:

An "unidentified" Democratic Strategist, after having it described to her, said “This is way over the top but we have no one to blame but Dean, Kerry and others who continue to pander to the anti-war activists within our party.”

Democratic Representative Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota went a step farther when he said simply, "My words to Howard Dean are simple - shut up,"

The leading spokespersons in the Democratic Party are under fire for their views showing their true colors.

But, until their terms are limited, there's nothing to be done.

I'm not just against those against the war that I'm against having an unlimited term of office. The problems in this country cannot be solved by those who just show up, get TV time, and get re-elected, no matter their party. Immigration, Health Care, National Defense, Jobs, Crime, Education, and a host of other issues, need a fresh look. And we can't do that with career politicians.


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