Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Monday, July 10, 2006

Officer Hurt, Several Arrested During Anti-Immigration Rally


HOLLYWOOD, July 9, 2006 - An officer was injured and six people were arrested during an anti-illegal immigration march involving the Minuteman Project and other groups Saturday evening in Hollywood, police said.

One female officer suffered a minor injury, apparently to her ankle, after clashing with protesters, said Officer Sandra Escalante, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Police Department.
Counter-protesters stood along the sidewalks shouting as anti-immigration demonstrators, including members of the Minuteman civilian border patrol group, marched along Hollywood Boulevard. The Minutemen, many of them carrying American flags, had a permit to march.

Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist was among the marchers.

Angry counter protesters, some wearing bandannas to cover their faces, yelled at the Minutemen and called them racists.

They also tried to join the march, but since they did not have a permit, police stopped them, sometimes forcefully.

Escalante said several people were arrested, though it wasn't immediately clear if they were part of the anti-immigration march or the counter-protest.

Police estimated the number of marchers at 200 shortly after 7 p.m. The march began at Hollywood Boulevard and Argyle Avenue, Escalante said.

Why don't these people want to be known? Are they THAT ashamed of their illegal status that they're ready to hide who they are?

Wouldn't it be just easier to tell who was arrested? Were they hiding their face like a coward or were they letting everyone know who they were?

What is this woman's problem?

Doing my blog reading today, I come across a couple of links from Hot Air about a young Phych(o) Professor from the University of Arizona who decided that she didn't like what another Blogger said so much that she has threatened his 2 year old boy.

Those links on Hot Air led me to a couple others, such as BLACKFIVE who actaully saved the comments.

Deb Frisch's Comments from BLACKFIVE

Now, why is this still news?

The target, Jeff Goldstein has suffered 3 Denial of Service attacks since the bruhaha started.

A Denial of Service attack is a hacker tool to take down a website wi so many hits on the site that the server can't show it to anyone else. For more information read here.

Now, back to Ex-Prof Frisch's comments, and me shamelessly copying a couple of choice comments from BLACKFIVE shows how far a Professor will go to make her point.

as I said elsewhere, if I woke up tomorrow and learned that someone else had shot you and your “tyke” it wouldn’t slow me down one iota. You aren’t “human” to me.


Ooh. Two year old boy. Sounds hot. You live in Colorado, I see. Hope no one Jon-Benets your baby.


I reiterate: If some nutcase kidnapped your child tomorrow and did to her what was done to your fellow Coloradan, Jon-Benet Ramsey, I wouldn’t give a damn.


Give your pathetic progeny (I sure hope that mofo got good genes from his mama!) a big fat tongue-filled kiss from me! LOTS AND LOTS OF SALIVA from Auntie MOONBAT, if you don’t mind!


Somehow, Jeffy boy, I think you get off on the possibility of Frenching your pathetic progeny, even if it is a boy. You seem like a VERY, VERY sick mofo to me, bro.

Now, of course, a couple of choice comments aimed at a 2 year old would drive me to call the police on it. But, she ain't skeered!


I am SHAKING, I tell you, SHAKING!!! in my boots at the prosect at an FBI and/or state police trooper tromping down my driveway to see if I was a threat to the progeny of the pissant name of Jeff “pissant” Goldstein of the pathetic, neutered, sissified, state of Colorado. I don’t give a rat’s ass whether the pissant’s progeny live or die, but I have no intention of snuffing the mofo’s chillen myself.

Finally, after even her own readers decided she had gone too far, she suddenly finds SHE'S the victim.

white flag

I wrote some inflammatory comments at a blog by a guy named Jeff Goldstein called protein wisdom that infuriated many bloggers and commenters. Many of these bloggers emailed my boss at the University of Arizona to tell on me.

In hindsight, the things I wrote were over the line of nastiness. I apologize to Mr. Goldstein.

I have resigned from the University of Arizona so there is no need for other enraged people to write to administrators there. I am a temporary worker there and I am in Oregon for the summer.

Some blogs have posted comments that I perceive to be physically threatening. I have contacted the FBI and the Pajamas Media staff to determine how to proceed with this aspect of this unbelievable experience.

My intention in this post is to de-escalate the situation. The comments that started this all were nasty, not threatening. But I feel very threatened by the response.

Jeff - I lost my job. You won. Could you call off the troops?

UPDATE: I have been receiving emails alluding to the fact that I got fired. I was not fired. I resigned. I was not pressured to resign. I just sent my boss an email explaining what was happening and told him I thought it was best for all involved if I resigned.

Protein Wisdom has been down since this all started so it is not possible to see all the comments and everything that led up to this. People are posting snippets of what I posted that have been embellished with references to french kissing and other things I didn't say.

When and if protein wisdom comes on line again, it will be hard to tell what Jeff added or deleted to the transcript.

I have been trying to get in touch with Pajamas Media to discuss some of my concerns about what has been published at Black Five about this issue. I feel threatened by some of the comments there.

If someone at pajamas media or better yet, froggy from Black Five, could email me, that would be great.

UPDATE (11:20 a.m.): Comments are turned off. I get the drift.

55 Comments before she turned off the comment feature. Many of them were not in support of her.

Notice how she laughs at the thought of having the police called on her for her comments, but she's just fine with calling the FBI when those comments are turned on her.

Can you say hypocrit?

As my last on this little missive, I find this especially funny.

Jeff - I lost my job. You won. Could you call off the troops?

UPDATE: I have been receiving emails alluding to the fact that I got fired. I was not fired. I resigned. I was not pressured to resign. I just sent my boss an email explaining what was happening and told him I thought it was best for all involved if I resigned.

She asks if he's happy she "lost her job." Then, she mentions that she actually quit. Later (and I'm looking for it now) she mentions how she actually was planning on quitting so she could go back to Oregon "with the rest of the Moonbats."

I'll update when I find it.

Update: Found it Here.

And I misquoted Mama Moonbat:

I want to stay in Eugene, OR where moonbats rule instead of living in Tucson, AZ where moonbats are in the minority.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

An Open Letter to Congresscritter (and ex-Marine) Murtha

Gysgt Kurt G. has written an excellent letter to Congresscritter John Murtha, ex-Marine, current moron.

Read it here.


The Gunny has a way with words.

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