Leo's Rants and Raves

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato

Location: United States

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Mexico Condemns Immigration Bill - I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!

The Associated Press released a story Saturday that says that the Mexican Government is completely against any immigration reform. (insert sarcastic tone here) This is SUCH a surprise.

The Mexican Government has long been in favor of their citizens heading north of the border to work in America. The money sent back (over 2 billion US dollars in the past year alone) has helped to prop up the Mexican Economy at a time when their government is preforming more corruption than any American government ever has.

There are currently 12 Mexican National Legislature Members that have been indicted this year alone. But, the good news is this is fewer than the past 5 years. The bad news is there are another 4 under investigation.

All 12 are still in office, as are 30% of those indicted, convicted, and sentenced. They haven't resigned, although they are currently in prison. They don't have to.

So, to prop up the economy, the Mexican Government has started to enlist Americans to aid Mexicans to cross the border.

The Mexican Foreign Relations department said,"The U.S. executive branch publicly expressed its commitment to an integral immigration reform, with a new program for temporary workers." Apparently they fail to realize that the Executive Branch makes the policy, the Legislative Branch has to pass the laws to put it into practice. But, the Executive Branch has given their blessing to building a wall between Mexico and the United States, giving the highest priority to the area around Laredo, Texas.

Mexico's National Human Rights Commission described the U.S. measure as "part of a tendency to criminalize migration with a wall that calls to mind the Berlin Wall." And, the Mexican National Human Rights Commission is such a good judge of...well...Human Rights.

This is a group that has turned a blind eye to the recent deaths of Mexicans who have crossed the border. 415 in the year ending September 30, according to the US Border Patrol.

How about trying to keep their citizens going along with the law, instead of encouraging their people to walk to their death while trying to break the law.

But, then Mexico would implode from a lack of funds. Apparently, some things are worth a couple of lives.

Monday, December 12, 2005

If Pearl Harbor Happened Today

Our elected officials today are more interested in scoring points against the Bush Administration than it is in supporting...well...America.

In the past few months, many of us who support the War in Iraq have been waiting on President Bush to show some guts and strike back at those who don't support our country. In the past few weeks, its begun to happen.

The whole problem is, we need to limit the terms of service of our Congresscritters. They feel as long as can keep getting elected, no matter what happens, they will have no serious opponents, then they can do and say whatever they want. No harm will come to them politically, so why even try?

Congress long ago limited the term of the President to two-four year terms, or 11 total years if they, as Vice President came into the Presidency. Otherwise 8 years total. Why can't this be done to the Congress?

Oh, the Congress has to vote it in. They'd never do it to themselves. Too much money and power involved.

But, they support the troops? The Senators, and the Democratic Chariman, in the picture above have called the troops "terrorists" (Kerry), "losers" (Dean), "criminals" (Kennedy), and "immature children" (Kennedy).

But, their fellow Democrats have started to distance themselves from these "spokesmen."

Therefore, the Republician Party came up with an advertisement, a picture of which is here:

An "unidentified" Democratic Strategist, after having it described to her, said “This is way over the top but we have no one to blame but Dean, Kerry and others who continue to pander to the anti-war activists within our party.”

Democratic Representative Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota went a step farther when he said simply, "My words to Howard Dean are simple - shut up,"

The leading spokespersons in the Democratic Party are under fire for their views showing their true colors.

But, until their terms are limited, there's nothing to be done.

I'm not just against those against the war that I'm against having an unlimited term of office. The problems in this country cannot be solved by those who just show up, get TV time, and get re-elected, no matter their party. Immigration, Health Care, National Defense, Jobs, Crime, Education, and a host of other issues, need a fresh look. And we can't do that with career politicians.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it

Yesterday was December 7. 64 years ago, over 2000 people were killed when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, starting World War II and eventually killing and wounding over 500,000 Americans.

Today is December 8. 25 years ago, John Lennon, and only John Lennon, was killed.

Which do you think got more airtime?

If you looked at the national news, the quote by Stalin is quite correct. "One death is a tragedy; a million (or 2000) is a statistic."

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Face of the Enemy - What the Arab World Thinks

By Brigitte Gabriel

Torture is accepted and even expected in the Arab world. Yes, I know what you're thinking-that's not politically correct in most mainstream media. And you know some nice Arabs who have immigrated to America. But it's the truth in the Arab world. Might makes right. Real men don't eat quiche. They prove their manhood by the way they treat their enemy. After all it's what Muhammad did to the unbelievers - Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians in the Quoran - the 'holy book' allegedly mishandled in Guantanamo prison.

Arab Muslim men gain honor by shaming, belittling, abusing and torturing their enemy in the most horrific ways. Just look at how the Palestinians treat so-called collaborators by disemboweling them and hanging them upside down in Manger Square in Bethlehem. Look at the terrorist torture chambers that the coalition forces recently uncovered in Iraq.

When people refer to the prisons of Saddam Hussein and his regime they think he is the extreme exception. Not so! The truth is his torture tactics are quite the norm in the Arab world. If you want to see torture that is beyond what any Westerner can ever imagine please go to ( http://www.masada2000.org/impalement.asx ) Yes, you read it right, impalement. You'll get a glimpse of what the Arabs do to their own people.

As someone who came from the Arab world and knows how they think, it frustrates me to see self-appointed righteous minded politicians and media pundits oblivious to Arabic culture and thinking, criticizing America's actions at Guantanamo. These are a bunch of al Qaeda jihadists who were captured while bent on killing us - the kaffirs or 'unbelievers. They laugh watching our government bend over backwards, forwards and sideways trying to appease the critics. The more we stumble over ourselves questioning our goals and tactics, the more they think we are weak and easy to defeat.

They smirk because they believe that Americans have demonstrated how stupid and weak they are by caving in to stories about maltreatment of Guantanamo detainees. They are watching our critics in this country and counting on them to embolden the radical Islamic cause and weaken our resolve.

Actually, Gitmo is a joke as far as the Arabs are concerned. Prison? You call that a prison? Let me tell you what some of the prisoners call Guantanamo , "Al muntazah al-dini lilmujaheden al Muslimin ," The Religious Resort for Islamic Militants.

They are given three halal meals a day in accordance to their religious dictates. How many kosher prisons are there in the Arabic world? None. Jews captured in the Arab world are butchered like those obscene pictures taken in Ramallah during the frenzied slaughter of two Israeli reservists who got lost. Remember the Palestinian man holding his red, Jewish blood dripping hands, high above his head in victory?

Remember Nick Berg's head being held high also?

Most of these detainees never had three meals a day in their entire life. They are gaining weight, and are living in what they refer to in Arabic as "Al-Jannah ," paradise. They have radio, television, soccer games, air-conditioning, clean clothes, servants, meaning American GIs, who wait on them hand and foot. They have Islamic chaplains and handed Qu'rans, the social hate guide against Infidels, by people so concerned as not to offend that they wear latex gloves and carry the book with two hands.

Many Muslims in the Middle East would gladly give up their poverty, dictatorial governments, corrupt leaders and social bondage to enjoy the relative luxuries Guantanamo offers. They have free medical care, better than millions of uninsured Americans and our military men and women serving on the jihadists' battlefield. Some of them who couldn't afford to see an optometrist now have glasses and can see and read their Qu'ran. Others who never had the opportunity to see a dentist now have a free dental plan. It has become such a joke; we even stop interrogations to let them take prayer breaks demanded by their religion.

As an Arab, I can tell you that Illinois Democratic Senator Richard Durbin is aiding and abetting the goals and strategy of Islamic jihadists who have declared war on the United States. Where was Durbin's comparison to the Nazis when we found the torture chambers in Iraq ? Where was Durbin's comparison to Soviet gulags when we found the hundreds of thousands of bodies in Saddam's mass graves?

Where was Durbin's head when he compared prisoners captured on the field of battle to the internment of Japanese American civilians during WWII? OK, apologize to unarmed citizens, not fighters with weapons in their hands. Where was Durbin when he compared Gitmo and Abu Ghraib to the industry of death that murdered 6 million Jewish men, women and children during WWII? If anything his heart and mind were in the jihadists terrorists' camp. If you see what story is being downloaded and shared by viewers of the al Jazeera web site you will find the story on Durbin's comments the winner.

If I were an Islamic terrorist I would be thanking Durbin and forwarding his views to all my fellow fanatics. His reckless comments fuel the fanatic frenzied jihadists, motivating them to blow themselves up in the midst of innocent civilians, savagely cut the heads of helpless hostages and devote themselves to killing the infidel who could be your neighbor stationed in Iraq. Just like the Quran says they should.

Dick Durbin is an unwitting champion of Islamic radical fundamentalists. His comments should be known from this day forward as a " Durbinization" of the facts. To demonize something grossly out of proportion to what the enemy is doing is to Durbinize. Gitmo and Abu Ghraib have been Durbinized and the Arab world loves it. They laugh at Durbin because he's supporting their belief in the destruction of our country and civilization.

The shame is Durbin doesn't have a clue as to what he's done. As far as he's concerned, he did the right thing for the Islamic radical detainees living high on the proverbial hog in Gitmo . What he really did was made them laugh; laugh at us for being fools and not real men. Now it's time to see if the voters in Illinois and his fellow members of Congress are men and women enough to tell the Moslem world Durbin isn't our real man.

Brigitte Gabriel is the former news anchor of World News for Middle East television, and now a Contributing Editor of FamilySecurityMatters.com and the founder of AmericanCongressforTruth.com

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